OREO MuffinsEllipse
OREO Logo US 2023-09

OREO Muffins

Move over, plain muffin—it's hard to compete with chocolate and Oreo Cookie creme filling. These are super-easy, foolproof bake-sale winners: Get 'em while they're hot.

Let's whip it up

Prep time:

0 min

Total time:

0 min



Ingredient list

  • 1¾ cups flour
  • 2 cup sugar
  • 1 Tbsp. baking powder
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • ¼ cup cold margarine or butter
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup milk
  • 16 OREO Cookies, coarsely chopped (about 2 cups)

Nutrition facts

Recipe Tips


Heat oven to 400°F.


Mix flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in medium bowl. Cut in margarine with pastry blender or 2 knives until mixture resembles coarse crumbs.


Beat egg and milk with wire whisk until well blended. Add to flour mixture; stir just until moistened. Gently stir in chopped cookies. Spoon evenly into 12 greased or paper-lined medium muffin cups.


Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until toothpick inserted in centers comes out clean. Remove from pan; cool slightly on wire rack. Serve warm.

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