Cherry Cheesecake in a CloudEllipse
OREO Logo US 2023-09

Cherry Cheesecake in a Cloud

Let's whip it up

Prep time:

0 min

Total time:

0 min



Ingredient list

  • ¼ cup cream cheese spread
  • ½ cup thawed frozen whipped topping
  • 3 OREO Cookies, finely chopped
  • 1 cup cherry pie filling

Nutrition facts

Recipe Tips


Microwave cream cheese spread in medium microwaveable bowl on HIGH 10 sec. or until softened. Add whipped topping; whisk until well blended.


Spoon cream cheese mixture onto 4 dessert plates. Use back of large spoon to shape each mound into shell.


Sprinkle insides of shells with chopped cookies; fill with pie filling.

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