Cream Cheese and Tomato RITZwichEllipse
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Cream Cheese and Tomato RITZwich

Fresh tomatoes from the market have the best flavor. Serve your guests these RITZ Cracker sandwiches with cream cheese and black pepper - and fresh tomato slices.

Let's whip it up

Prep time:

0 min

Total time:

0 min



Ingredient list

  • 48 RITZ Crackers
  • ½ cup cream cheese spread
  • 6 campari tomatoes, each cut into 4 slices
  • ½ tsp. black pepper

Nutrition facts

Recipe Tips


Spread 24 crackers with cream cheese spread.


Top with tomatoes; sprinkle with pepper.


Cover with remaining crackers to make 24 sandwiches.

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